August 11, 2009


Thursday. To say I'm a little anxious is probably an understatement. While I come from a long line of unnecessary worriers and control freaks, I am genuinely dreading the day I must leave my baby girl in the hands of another. I've had nearly a whole year of nothing but parenting and despite it's challenges, I am really not ready to give it up.

I thought I would be much stronger and assured than I feel right now (that's the power of denial for you), but the fear of what she will think when she needs me and realises I'm not there is starting to get the better of me. Not helping the situation is that she is now cutting 4 top teeth, and is still getting over a head cold. She has been SUPER-clingy the last week, like she knows we are about to be separated and I can't bear the thought of letting her fend for herself. :o(

On a positive note, she is a happy and social child, and really does get bored just sitting around with me all day. She always perks up when she sees people, so here's hoping (and praying) that she loves every minute. I'm returning to work 2 days a week from the 24th, so we will have three "practise" days before I start. But it still breaks my heart that she has no idea about how big a change is coming for her in two days time...


  1. I wish I could say something to make you feel a little better about the drop off...but the reality is that it is pretty hard. You will both get through it though but prepare yourself.

  2. hopefully she will like it there and adjust quickly :)

  3. i know how you feel hun! my little girl is 16mths and recently started nursary 2 days a week. She loves it, not so much as a backward glance when shes dropped off! She is always really excited an full of smiles to see me when i pick her up though. I think 2 days is a ovely balance for both of you, you will be amazed at how much she will develop over the first few weeks......i never thought the day would come when my little wirl-wind would happily sit in her chair at the table without the presence of food! Any all these dolls that have been hanging around as decoration for the past year are now her new best friends who she enjoys a good chatter with!
    Im sure all will be fine, x Kym....& little miss ruby.

  4. I know how you feel too. My baby girl Paige has been going to Daycare for 12 weeks now (since she was 4 months old). It was so hard for me to leave her there but she honestly loves it. We have not had a bad day yet.

    She eats well, sleeps well and is alway clean and happy when I pick her up. I did have to wean us into daycare - but that was more for me than it was for her. They have plenty of organised activities, she gets a lot of stimualtion and learning experiences.

    The first day I just had to dump and run. I went and had a coffee and wandered aimlessly around the shops for a couple of hours before I raced back to get her - I honestly don't think she even realised I had been gone.

    She will be fine, and you will be too.


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