January 21, 2010

On hold.

Sorry folks.  Show and Tell on hold for today.  It's 8.00pm here, stinking hot, my other half isn't home yet (he's at the apple store sorting out an ongoing saga that really should have been quite simple), and I have a kidlet who is trying to sleep, but isn't very happy about her molars coming through.  On top of that, she fell and put two teeth into her tongue today, so that can't be helping the discomfort.  So, I'm off to scoff some food and re-settle with some paracetamol.

See you.


  1. Awww bless her, poor little thing, Plenty of ice-pops, thats what she needs!
    I have passed on a sunshine blog award to you, as i think you little blog is just lovely! Just see my blog for details.

    x K

  2. oh no, poor girl! i hope she feels better soon! xxx


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