Well I got something else done. Very pleasing given we've been on 'Operation sleep through the night' with V for the last week. Read tired. Very tired.
But here's my very first refashion. Mens knit t-shirt to kid dress.
The pattern:
Flashback skinny tee by Rae Hoekstra (nice!) but increased in length of course for the dress. I highly recommend measuring your child and adjusting the pattern as instructed by Rae. It was worth the extra 30 mins it took me to work it out.
The fabric: Thrifted Men's tee - $2.
The sewing: Easy peasy! Super Quick. No hemming or binding. Fantastic. Only I think my rosette is wonky and bulky so I think I need to take a few lessons from
Ros. I hope it makes it through a wash.
And she loves it. Bonus.
KCWC inspiration right
here (seriously fantastic).